Paleontology · Predation · Paleoecology
Johnson, E. H., Peterman, D.J., Carter, A.M. (2022) Updating studies of past life and ancient ecosystems using defossilized organismal proxies. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2029.
Jasinski, S.E., Sullivan, R.M., Carter, A.M., Johnson, E.H., Dalman, S.G., Zariwala, J., Currie, P.J. (2022) Osteology and reassessment of Dineobellator notohesperus, a southern eudromaeosaur (Theropoda: Dromaeosauridae: Eudromaeosauria) from the latest Cretaceous of New Mexico, The Anatomical Record.
Carter, A. M., Johnson, E. H., & Schroeter, E. R. (2022). Long-term Retention of diverse paleontologists requires increasing accessibility. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 595.
Johnson, E. H., DiMarco, B. M., Peterman, D. J., Carter, A. M., & Allmon, W. D. (2021). Did shell-crushing predators drive the evolution of ammonoid septal shape?. Paleobiology, 1-14.
Peterman, D. J., Ritterbush, K. A., Ciampaglio, C. N., Johnson, E. H., Inoue, S., Mikami, T., & Linn, T. J. (2021). Buoyancy control in ammonoid cephalopods refined by complex internal shell architecture. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-12.
Johnson, E. H. (2021). Breaking down shell strength: inferences from experimental compression and future directions enabled by 3D printing. Biological Reviews.
Johnson, E. H. (2020). Experimental tests of bivalve shell shape reveal potential tradeoffs between mechanical and behavioral defenses. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-12.
Johnson, E. H., & Carter, A. M. (2019). Defossilization: A Review of 3D Printing in Experimental Paleontology. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution,
7, 430.
Johnson, E. H., Anderson, B. M., & Allmon, W. D. (2017). What can we learn from all those pieces? Obtaining data on drilling predation from fragmented high-spired gastropod shells. PALAIOS, 32(5), 271-277.
Anderson, B. M., Hendy, A., Johnson, E. H., & Allmon, W. D. (2017). Paleoecology and paleoenvironmental implications of turritelline gastropod-dominated assemblages from the Gatun Formation (Upper Miocene) of Panama. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 470, 132-146